John Maeda

Look for opportunities to do things with others.

Debbie Millman

Don’t compromise, and don’t take no for an answer.

Randy J. Hunt

Everything we make of value is about people.

Jason Fried

Make something for yourself.

Tina Roth Eisenberg

If an opportunity comes your way that scares you, take it.

Amit Gupta

Figure out how you’ll get the word out before you even start.

Cameron Moll

Become a problem finder and a problem explorer.

Sean Adams

Suspend judgement, be open, and don’t underestimate the power of a touch of flattery.

Nicholas Felton

Be open to any career opportunities that come along the way.

Jim Coudal

Rip something off.

Michael Strassburger

Don’t be shallow or dull, be someone interesting.

Jason Santa Maria

Follow the momentum.

Dress Code

Always have a side hustle.

Stefan Bucher

Take your time.

Alissa Walker

Ignore your job title.

Aaron Draplin

While you’re still looking for a job, stay creatively busy.

Christopher Simmons

You can never underestimate the power of paying your dues.

Liz Danzico

Celebrate your lack of plan.

Jessica Hische

The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.

Eric Karjaluoto

Pick something, and stick to it.

Grant Gilliland

Have a voice, and be patient.

Steve Gordon

Get a life.

Ryan Fitzgibbon

Be ambitious, don’t edit yourself.


Practice. Experiment. Practice. Experiment.

Alison Yard Medland

Have an opinion, but be open minded.

The Post Family

Go with the flow.

Frank Chimero

Train your weaknesses, race your strengths.


Be fearless and confident. Design is for people, with people, and about people.

Colleen Wilson

Be nice.


Be yourself. And, spend time designing for the greater good.

Justin Ahrens

Learn the culture of an employer you admire. Be persistent, do your homework.

Dawn Hancock

Follow your heart.

Kate Bingaman-Burt

Use every opportunity you’re given to collaborate as much as possible.

Von Glitschka

Anyone can use tools, so be a good thinker. Be curious—take creative risks.

Will Bryant

Be honest. With yourself, your work, and others.

Katherine Walker

Don’t take things personally—and have a sense of humor!

Doug Bartow

Sweat the details. Don’t overlook any outlet of communication.

Carlos Segura

You can’t prepare to be ready. Be ready now.

Nick Campbell

Great designers are never content. Struggling with a design is okay.